Driver Status Monitor (DSM)
The all encompassing CONNECTED ADVANCED VEHICLE SYSTEM provides reassurance to operators, plant and fleet managers with regard to operational safety
Reduce risk and improve vehicle and pedestrian interaction
Reduce risk and improve vehicle and pedestrian interaction.
Technology sometimes makes everyday tasks more and more complicated, resolving one issue leads to another and whilst carrying out the simple task of manoeuvring a vehicle, information overload can lead toan unsafe operation, on the other hand relying too much on passive technologies can lead to driver complacency.
Vehicle Collision Avoidance Systems or VCAS is an active technology that goes someway to resolving these issues, whether that be near side object detection for commercial vehicle and cyclist interaction, reversing sensors for heavy mobile plant or direction sensors for detecting when forward vision is limited.
SAFETY can help save lives and help prevent damage to vehicles. The system is designed to detect the closest object (whether stationary or moving, human or inanimate) in the area of coverage and informs the vehicle operator of its presence.
We can fit our safety equipment to old and new vehicles, including:
Our main priority is your safety, and to reduce the overall number of preventable accidents
of accidents are vehicle related
67% of construction industry accidents are linked to vehicles (European Union Occupational Health Agency survey 2014)
The clear risks associated with moving vehicles cannot be understated. With new risks presenting themselves as we move forward, it is up to us to help reduce the number of accidents, both fatal and non-fatal. Our priority is keeping people safe and making sure these numbers fall.