Spillard News

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Archive for the 'Our Industry' Category

No Christmas Card Appeal.

Spillard Safety Systems has again decided to donate the money ususally spent on sending Christmas cards to CRASH ‘no Christmas card appeal’ Statement from CRASH ‘Christmas puts a particularly heavy strain on our limited resources and every pound you give will make a real difference to someone’s life. In 2007 we had a record number […]


Spillard Safety Systems of Gailey in Staffordshire was delighted to recently present a cheque for £625.00 to the Hydrex Cancer Research fund raising appeal, much of which was raised during this year’s Hillhead exhibition where the company requested a donation of £1 for every metre safety stick given away during the course of the three […]

QNJAC – Specification Confussion, Blue Lights

Following the lead of QNJAC more and more companies are beginning to specify blue reverse lights to enhance safety whilst reversing, to clarify, these must only be fitted to off-highway vehicles, Statutory Instruments 1989 No. 1796. The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 –  11. (2)  No vehicle shall be fitted with a lamp which is […]

Our phone number.

In light of discussions with customers and the recent bad press, Spillard Safety Systems made a commercial decision 4years ago to adopt an 08702 number to ensure customer continuity due to our strategic growth programme that will see us move through several std codes. The cost of a call to 08702 is no more than […]


SED 2007 Awards for excellence – SPILLARD SAFETY SYSTEMS LTD – VCAS The awards were given to the most innovative new products introduced to the UK market during the past year, judged by an independent panel of industry experts, the awards are an accolade to the very best in plant, construction machinery, support products and applications. […]

Construction statistics 2005/06(p) – falls down, slips up

Statistics released by the Health and Safety Executive for 2005/06 show the rate of fatal and major injuries in the construction industry is continuing to fall. The Health and Safety Statistics 2005/06 report shows: The rate of reported fatal injuries (to all workers, including the self employed) in construction between 1999/00 and 2005/06 has reduced […]

Quarriers call for safety improvements

The Quarry industry is calling for a host of safety upgrades in all the plant used on its sites.  The drive comes as part of its Hard Target initiative, which aims to halve the number of accidents in quarries and processing sites within five years.  The quarries National Joint Advisory Committee, compromising quarry firms, safety […]

Targets missed

The health and safety Executive has confirmed that construction has not met targets set at safety summit in February 2001. Targets were to cut the annual death toll 40 per cent by 2004-05 and 60 per cent by 2010. The industry missed the 2004-05 targets by 25 percent The health and safety Executive has confirmed […]

HSE Press Briefing on Telehandlers

HSE Press briefing 07/10/05                                                                                           MORE DETAILED INFORMATION FOR JOURNALISTS ON TELEHANDLERS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY WHAT IS THE DANGER? 1. The danger being highlighted in this press release is that of pedestrians being struck by the vehicle when the driver has impaired visibility while travelling on traffic routes and open areas, and while manoeuvring […]

Visionary service

Over the last decade, plant makers have commendably made great strides in providing the operators of their creations with ever better visibility. But there can still be blind spots beside and behind many machines and these could result in potentially serious accidents on site. In recent years, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has expressed […]

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